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Where to Watch the Fireworks on New Year's Eve

Happy holidays! I hope this holiday season has been full of blessings and happiness.

I am in disbelief that 2019 is ending. As the new year creeps up, I found myself stuck on what to do for New Year’s Eve. Honestly, I avoid the Strip on this day at all costs. It definitely is not a family-friendly environment downtown.

Instead, I prefer to find simple activities. This year, I thought I would do something a little different! Growing up, it was always fun to hike Lone Mountain as the sun would rise. If you do not know what Lone Mountain is, it’s exactly that, a mountain in the middle of the northwest valley surrounded by every day life.

*I do not own the rights to this image* SummitPost

The hike is relatively easy! It is about 2.2 miles and elevated at 738 feet. When you reach the top, the views are stunning. All of the fireworks will be visible from this peak! Make sure to dress warm and pack flashlights for the way up. Majority of the hike is gravel and rock faces, but simple enough to not need your hands.

What are your plans for New Year’s Eve? Let me know in the comments!

Until our next adventure,
