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Done with Netflix Binges? Books I Love!

Finished Tiger King and totally caught up on Ozark? Bored with other TV options? I get it; we’re doing the same thing. But if you don’t want your brain to turn to absolute mush during this extended Staycation (that’s what I’m calling it from now on), and want better yourself, here is a list of books I absolutely LOVE!

Most of these books are not Real Estate specific, so for those of you out there that don’t love Real Estate like I do, you’ve got some great options. In fact, I think only one or two of the books on this list are specifically for Real Estate. If you want to know ‘where to start’ let me help guide you.

If you’re looking for a spark in your life - Start With Why by Simon Sinek. Your Why. Your Real Reason behind doing what you do.

If you’re looking to change habits - The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. This story is amazing, and it’ll help you develop better habits, if you’re willing to really do so.

How to win more Negotiations - Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on it by Chris Voss. This guy used to be the Lead Hostage Negotiator for the FBI. You think he knows a bit on the subject?

Want to know how to start thinking about things Better - Mindset by Carol Dweck. Carol discusses the difference between a Growth Mindset (Good thing) and Fixed Mindset (Not as good). Great perspective!

There are so many great books out there, and this is just a small sample of them. What are some of your favorite books? Let me know below!