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Home School Field Trip

Happy Tuesday all!

A bit different today; something not Real Estate related to give you a little mental vacation.

So, we are now in week #3 of Home Schooling with the girls while we are all #StayingHomeForNevada. Trying to break up the monotony, our Principal / Teacher / overall Education Director Sydney, decided we should go on a Field Trip. So yesterday, we got up, packed up a picnic lunch, and took off on an adventure. The destination: Valley of Fire State Park.

If you haven’t been to Valley of Fire, it’s only about an hour outside of Las Vegas, and super accessible. I hadn’t been since 2005, when I drove through it on a Harley, so this was definitely just as fun for us as it was for the girls.

The first thing we noticed that while the main gate was technically closed, everyone who was going through (busy for a Monday), people were still stopping and putting their $10 car entry fee into envelopes and paying. Was pretty shocked, but I love that people are still going to do their part during the Pandemic.

Driving through, Mackenzie was loving the undulating roads and swirls. Tons of ‘oooohs’ from the backseat. We came upon a great spot to stop, get the girls out of the car, and we setup a picnic in the back of the SUV!

Fed… we decided to take a little ‘hike’. Hiking with a 2 year old isn’t really a hike, more like a small, short, nature walk, but the kids loved it nonetheless. The girls got to play with the very fine red sand, collected some rocks, and even spotted a Spider! Syd and I climbed some rocks for the ultimate, epic, ‘see, we were in nature’ pictures.

It was coming up on nap time for Alex, so we got back in the car and continued the adventure on 4 wheels, stopping to take some pictures, and one more photo for the 4 of us (thank you auto-timer). Pretty soon, the hum of the wheels on the road, the AC on, Alex and Mackenzie both fell asleep. Knowing we had some time to wander, we took the slightly longer road home, going up and through Overton and Logandale, connecting with the 15 and heading back home.

Total damage: 4 hours, a couple turkey sandwiches, 2 cupcakes, and about 175 miles on the car. It was a great way to break up school, and give the girls a little slice of nature. We got some fresh air, and were able to enjoy one of the most underrated spots in Nevada. When we got home, the girls were told to draw some of the rocks they saw from their trip, it was a school day after all.

No one likes what we are all having to do. The girls miss their ‘normal’ routine. Sydney and I miss having regular life, but we are all doing what we can to make the best of this. Our girls are learning. Our business is still active. Buyers are buying and sellers are selling. We are just doing things a bit differently nowadays. And you know what… it’s not a bad thing!