Zahler Properties

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What Happened to Manners?

This is not a Real Estate Blog post. Well it is, because ti happened in the course of my day as a Realtor, but it’s not about stats (go read our most recent market report for that).

When did it become okay to be rude to people who are doing their jobs? I know, it happens all the time, but certain things simply make me sick. And no, this is not about me, or anyone that was rude to me. I can handle that… ;-)

I was on the way to an Inspection today for my clients that are selling their home. The buyers were going to be present, and their agent was no where to be found. Not being comfortable with ‘civilians’ in my clients home without any representation, I booked it down to the Inspection last minute. How last minute? We were NOT even told the inspection was today, and the inspector was at the house already…

I’m in the car, heading to Henderson and my client calls me to tell me the Buyer, who, does not own the home yet, was SCREAMING at the Guard (The home is in a Guard Gated Community) that HE IS THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY and to let him in through the gates at once. First of all, his girlfriend is buying the home, and he’s not on the loan, nor on title. Second of all, we are simply doing an inspection, and you’re about 3-4 weeks away from closing, so you do not own the home, so stop making comments that are absolutely false. Third, and most importantly, why? Why yell at someone who is doing their job, who knows who the real owners of the home are (they’ve lived in the community 15+ years), and is there, as an employee, to specifically keep people out that do not belong in the community? Isn’t this part of the allure and desire for a Guard Gated Community? Isn’t the SECURITY of the Guard Gated Community what prompts many people to purchase in those areas?

My jaw dropped when my client relayed the story to me. I called the agent, who’s only response was “These clients can be difficult.” Really? That’s it? No apologies, no '“let me talk with them?”.


I got to the community, smiled at the guard, who I have gotten to know, and could tell she was still upset by it. I have never met the Buyer (I was about to), nor were they MY clients. But I looked her in the eye, and I told her that no one deserves to be treated that way, and that I was sorry it happened to her. She smiled, thanked me, and accepted my apology, on behalf of people I didn’t even know. I drove off, met the inspector, and had the privilege of spending 4 hours in the home while the inspector took his time. Most inspections are between 1-2 hours, by the way….

I met the Buyer and her Boyfriend, and shook their hands. I smiled and was polite, even though all I wanted to do was ask them why they thought they had the ability to pretend the home was theirs, and why they felt it was important to them to berate the Guard. I didn’t. I kept my cool, because I’m polite. Am I polite, or am I simply blind to what our world has become. I hope it’s not that. For my Daughters sake. For all of our sake.

Am I wrong? Let me know in the comments!!!

More Real Estate stuff next time… I promise.


P.S. I got back to the office, and got a text from my client. The Guard who was yelled at and berated for not allowing a stranger into the community (aka did her job) called my client to say how appreciative she was that I apologized to her even though it was not my fault. Always a little light at the end of the tunnel!