Breaking News - Phase 1 - Nevada Starts to Re-Open

What a day!

Governor Sisolak has just announced Phase 1 of Reopening the economy in Nevada is set to commence on Saturday, May 9th. This is amazing news, but definitely should not be abused. Some businesses will not be opening as a part of Phase 1 (No Bars without food licenses, or gyms/health clubs or casinos are the big ones), but we are going to see Retail, Restaurants, etc begin to open, under stricter guidelines. This is GREAT news for our general economy, and our mindsets.

If you want to read more about the actual opening of the government, here is a link to the local NBC affiliate and you can read it here: Phase 1 Update

What This Means to You

We have been Practicing Safe Business, and will continue to do so!

Zahler Properties has, and will remain, very careful with how we are handling our business. We have been, and will continue to meet with clients, and will continue to do so in a safe manner for the foreseeable future. We are actively showing Buyers homes and working with our Sellers to list and sell their properties. We will CONTINUE to use safety measures, and will continue to do what is in the best interest of our clients. We anticipate, and have called for a pent up demand of housing; many individuals have been waiting for the economy to open back up. If you would like to schedule time with us, please click the link below to schedule a call or meeting, and you can always call me directly at 775-351-4699.

Housing is still in Demand

The Las Vegas market paused in the last 2 months, but has already shown great signs of a quick resurgence. Prior to the shutdown, we were seeing multiple offers on our listings and homes selling for record prices. I believe we will be on a road similar.

Buying? Beat the crowd. Enjoy the RECORD LOW interest rates and take advantage now before the masses come out again.

We have all been through a lot of emotions the last few months. Millions of people have been forced out of work. We will recover, and we are recovering. And we will recovery the right way if everyone does not abuse the situation. We are here for you and ready to help!