Is Your Glass Half-Full, or the other one? Choose your Own Adventure!

It’s Monday. The official start to the work week. Mother’s Day is over, and, at least in Las Vegas, people are starting to see things opening back up, providing some trepidation, but also, HOPE. HOPE is great. Hope is important. Hope usually goes with people that look at things in a positive light. Because the opposite is… bleak.

I know this is somewhat cliche… somewhat childish. But it’s also relevant, especially in times like this. Is the glass half-full? Or is it half-empty? How do you look at it? Because the metaphor goes beyond the water in the glass. It’s sometimes a window into how you look at things. How you process information, feelings, emotions, and decisions. I’m no psychologist, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express. I also took Psych 101 in college (20 years ago), so that has to make me some sort of professional, right?

We as a society have come to a significant fork in our road with COVID-19, the recovery, and the roadmap to ‘normal’. This isn’t just for Real Estate, but life in general. But for this, we’ll try and focus simply on Real Estate, because, unlike Psychology, this is a topic I do know and can discuss with some intelligence.

So, this brings me to the fork in the road… Are you a Half-Full or Half-Empty person? What story do you want to hear in regards to the Real Estate market, and our path to recovery? Click the button below!

And yes… you can come back and read the other portion as well!