Who is Summerlin Insider?


Hi there! My name is Sydney Zahler, and along with my husband, Geoff, and our two kids, we are the Zahler Family! I've been getting so many DM's asking more about us and who we are, what we do, etc., that I figured I needed to do a reintroduction. So here we go!

WE are the Zahler Family! We run a boutique Real Estate Brokerage called Zahler Properties here in Las Vegas. Many of you know us through that, but one of our real passions is that we LOVE to discover what our beautiful city has to offer. Anyone who has spent time being a local in Vegas, knows that there's more to it than just The Strip. It's a big city, but there are so many facets to explore. Due to an overwhelming demand for our recommendations and insider tips for "all things Summerlin/Vegas", we thought "Why not share these with everyone!".

Thanks for everyone's support, and we love hearing from you! Feel free to DM or leave comments on places or events you think we should check out. We can't wait to bring you on our journey, and have you experience the Summerlin and Vegas that we love!

Sydney ZahlerComment